“Not your everyday abracadabra man.”
Shreeyash was born in India thirteen days after Halloween into a family of priests, prophets and magicians. His great great grandfather was a Mormon prophet, his grandfather a Hindu priest, his uncle was a magician, so it was only natural that he would study the magical arts from an early age. He has studied with leading magicians, acting and writing teachers in the US, UK, and with India's last living jadoowallas.
He first performed on stage in school, and has traveled the world entertaining people ever since. Combining the best of Eastern & Western magic, Shreeyash created his fusion jadoo style. In Europe, Asia, and all over the US, CEOs, college presidents, city mayors and royalty enjoy his fun, unique, and bespoke performances.
Shreeyash holds a PhD in South Asian studies from The University of Chicago and has taught at Oxford, Yale, and the School of Oriental and African Studies in London along with Albright College and the University of Pittsburgh. He is the first person to win a prestigious Fulbright Nehru senior research fellowship to study traditional Indian magicians, and is creating a book, web series, and live show based on his experiences.
He has collaborated with American Centers in Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata, an Emmy award winning Broadway producer/director, New York based Bindlestiff Cirkus, the Asian Arts Initiative, WHYY, FirstPerson Arts, FringeArts, and others to share the wonder of Indian magic in venues around the world for 3 decades.